The AMERICA'S ANGEL Campaign holds no political, religious, or philosophical agenda. Rather, we have come together simply as mothers and fathers, as grandparents, as American citizens, with our commitment to establish this mission for the sake of our children and yours.

To create a foundational shift in what America values, and a nation worthy of our children, we must ALL stand together.  We must ALL invest in the solution.
Your donation, of any amount, builds momentum for the Campaign’s Mission and Objectives to become our Nation’s reality.

WE start HERE. WE start NOW. 

The Mission Statement
of the AMERICA'S ANGEL Campaign
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 To Establish the Well-Being of America's Children
as Our Nation's 1st Priority,
Ensuring their Birthright to be SAFE and NURTURED
in Their Own Homes and Homeland.

2009 - 2010 IRA Rollover Law

Did you know?

A retirement plan account is one of the most highly taxed assets that a person can give to their heirs at death — sometimes taxed as much as 70 percent. In effect, this is one of the least efficient assets to pass to family and loved ones.

The benefits:

  • You may avoid income tax on the distribution. Typically, traditional IRAs are subject to standard income taxes upon withdrawal, and if they remain as part of an estate, they may be subject to estate taxes as well. Charitable rollovers do not generate taxable income and are not tax deductible as a charitable gift.
  • You can preserve your cash assets and fulfill IRA distribution requirements by giving a gift to The AMERICA'S ANGEL Campaign through an IRA rollover. Contributions may be counted toward your annual minimum required distribution.
  • Your spouse can also give $100,000 if 70½ or older.

How to make an IRA charitable distribution:

To comply with the new law, the distribution from your IRA must be transferred directly from the plan administrator of your IRA to AMERICA'S ANGEL. You simply contact your plan administrator to request the transfer.

We also ask that you inform AMERICA'S ANGEL of your gift so that we may provide you with a letter acknowledging the amount of the distribution and the date it was received.

Click here for a sample letter you may send to your administrator

Wings of Gold

The AMERICA'S ANGEL Circle of Gold recognizes and honors our generous donors who have made a commitment to AMERICA'S ANGEL through their estate plans.

When you include AMERICA'S ANGEL in your Will, or make AMERICA'S ANGEL a beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy, Retirement Plan, Trust or Charitable Gift Annuity you become a member of this group of men and women committed to leaving a legacy that touches every home in America.

If you have already included AMERICA'S ANGEL in your estate plans, please contact us so we can include your name in  our Circle of Gold's growing list of loyal members. The information you provide will remain confidential, and be used only by AMERICA'S ANGEL to honor your generous commitment to America's children, families, and future with proper recognition and credit.

Make your secure online tax deductible donation through PayPal

The AMERICAS ANGEL Campaign has partnered with Network for Good to securely process your online credit card donation.  This transaction will appear on your credit card statement as "Network for Good".

If you prefer to mail your donation, checks or money orders may be sent to:

PO Box 3124
San Diego, CA  92163

Credit Card Pledges

Pledges allow donors to make ongoing gifts over a period of months or years. Please contact your credit card company to set up payment schedules.

Employer Matching Gifts

Many employers match their employees’ gifts to charitable institutions. Some companies will match the gifts of employee spouses and retired employees, as well. Ask the human resources or benefits office at your workplace for more information.

Planned Gifts & Bequests

If you’re considering making AMERICA’S ANGEL part of your trust, bequest, or endowment, please contact your Financial Planner. A planned gift to AMERICA’S ANGEL creates your own legacy of support on behalf of America’s Children, Family, and Future. Planned giving also offers significant advantages, including tax breaks and a potential income increase.

Tribute & Memorial Gifts

Giving a gift in memory of a loved one or in honor of a birthday, anniversary, or special occasion is a special way to pay tribute to your loved one while supporting the mission of The AMERICA'S ANGEL Campaign. Your gift will be acknowledged by a personal note sent by AMERICA'S ANGEL to the honored person(s).

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AMERICA'S ANGEL is a 501 (C) 3 For Public Benefit Corporation

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