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Morgan Rose, M.S.
Executive Director
Kaer Soutthard, M.A..
Gail John
Elberta Eriksson, L.C.S.W., M.F.T.
Melissa Galliani
Dana Gribben, M.S.
Annette Schadrye, B.A.

Fari Amini, M.D.
Nahid Angha, Ph.D.
David Ashrow, D.D.S
Joe Caldwell, D.Min, C.F.A.
Sen Chao, M.B.A.
Dee Dickinson, Ed.D.
Roger Grossman
Ali Kianfar, Ph.D.
Nancy Lee, Ph.D.
Jay Conrad Levinson
Jean Liedloff
John Miner
Anthony D.Parks
Tom Peraic, J.D.
Hunter W. Roberts, M.S.W., M.Div.
Edward V. Stein, Ph.D.
Carley Sullivan
Cathy Tucker

"VIOLATION of the Innocent
begets VIOLENCE in society."

Morgan Rose
Founder/Executive Director

"I can't think of an investment in time, energy, or resources that will make more of a difference to you and me personally, and of course, to America's children, than AMERICA'S ANGEL."

Roger Grossman
Marin Independent Journal


Among the most accomplished and fabled tribes of Africa, no tribe was considered to have more warriors more fearsome or more intelligent than the mighty Masai. It is perhaps surprising then, to learn the traditional greeting that passed between Masai Warriors. "Kasserian ingera" one would always say to another. It means "and how are the children?"

It is still the traditional greeting among the Masai, acknowledging the high value that the Masai always placed on their children's well being. Even warriors with no children of their own would always give the traditional answer "All the children are well." Meaning, of course, that peace and safety prevail, the priorities of protecting the young, the powerless are in place, that Masai society has not forgotten its reason for being, its proper functions and responsibilities. "All the children are well" means that life is good. It means that the daily struggles of existence, even among a poor people, do not preclude caring for its young.

I wonder how it might affect our consciousness of our own children's welfare if in our culture we took to greeting each other with this same daily question: "And, how are the children?" I wonder if we heard that question and passed it along to each other a dozen times a day, if it would begin to make a difference in the reality of how children are thought of and cared for in this country?

I wonder if every adult among us, parent and nonparent alike, felt an equal weight for the daily care and protection of all the children in our town, in our state, in our country. I wonder if we could truly say without hesitation, "the children are well, yes, all the children are well."

What would it be like if the President began every press conference, every public appearance, by answering the question, "And how are the children, Mr. President?" If every governor of every state had to answer the same question at every press conference: "And how are the children, Governor? Are they all well?" Wouldn't it be interesting to hear the answers?

Reverend Patrick T. O'Neill
Framingham, MA

The children are our teachers of compassion, and compassion is where we must begin…….
as they are here to remind us of what we have forgotten.
THIS wisdom is the gift that AMERICA'S ANGEL brings to the world.


A Campaign of Fierce Compassion on Behalf of America's Children

Mission Statement:

To establish, for the first time in our nation's history, the well being of America's children as a national priority, and ensure their birthright to be safe and nurtured in their own homes.


  • To raise consciousness around the sanctity of creating LIFE, FAMILY and COMMUNITY.
  • To disperse factual information and resources concerning the developmental and emotional needs of children, emphasizing the critical first three years of life.
  • To alert all citizens to the frightening link between children exposed to trauma and violence and our burgeoning criminal and mentally ill populations
  • To create a sense of urgency to the fact that our future, both personally and nationally, is directly linked to the nurturing of each and every American today.
  • To create a MEDIA BLITZ reflecting the American family as nurturing and nonviolent.
  • To be A CATALYST FOR SUPPORT of the hundreds of community, state, and national organizations dedicated to the protection of America's children and families.
  • To remind all of us that CHILDREN ARE HUMAN BEINGS
  • And, most importantly, to bring HOPE to the kids.

National Educational Campaign

   Prevention through education, communication, and inspiration is the only means of ending child abuse.

   AMERICA'S ANGEL is dedicated to bring into the public awareness the abundance of medical, developmental, psychological, and social research which substantiates the critical, instinctual need of children to be safe and nurtured, especially focusing on the first three years of life. This research overwhelmingly supports the fact that children exposed to trauma and violence in the first three years of life are at extraordinary risk of developing coping behaviors which result in lifelong patterns of moral and psychological pathology, including the need to be violent. These patterns are then regenerated in an ever-expanding cycle of violence, which now permeate our homes, our schools, our streets and our communities - the very fabric of who we are as People.

    The Educational Campaign will bring to the American public the wealth of information from experts, such as pediatritions, educators, scociologists, developmental psychologists, criminologists, etc., within the forum of national television, through an ongoing Campaign to raise the consciousness of our Nation to the santity of each child's life and potential. Through education, communication, and inspiration America can insure the protection and nurturance of every child. This national commitment will guarantee our children the most basic of human rights: to live free from fear, to be safe in their own homes. 


Parent Pages

Chidren Coping with Family Violence



Celebrity Campaign

  • Enrollment of 100 nationally recognized celebrities, such as professional athletes, celebrities from film, TV and music industries, and heroes from all walks of life.
  • Each will have a strong, proven commitment to supporting the welfare of America's children.
  • Each one will share their personal stand for ending child abuse through TV and fund-raising appearances, Public Service Announcements, billboards, Internet, radio and magazine ads.


AMERICA'S ANGEL.org is being designed to be one of the most sophisticated, interactive Websites ever developed. Website features include:

  • Clearinghouse for research, current trends, news
  • Publication of relevant articles by pediatricians, educators, sociologists, ethnopediatricians, developmental psychologists, etc.
  • Information for parents, including developmental expectations for children ages newborn through 18 years of age
  • Links to community agencies available by Zip Code
  • Political action through an email campaign to state and federal representatives
  • Links to hundreds of community, state and national agencies focused on promoting healthy family relationships
  • Links to all corporate sponsors of AMERICA'S ANGEL, Inc.
  • Spanish text available for all pages
  • Templates for political action through an email letter campaign to individual state and federal representatives
  • Capability of secure online donations
  • Four chat rooms specifically designed to provide information for the following individuals:

    1. Children who are frightened and/or abused.

    2. Individuals living in violent environments.

    3. Individuals with issues of rage, seeking assistance and redirection.

    4. Adolescents and teens seeking information about dating, family relationships, substance abuse, or emotional issues.

    Licensed therapists, trained in the dynamics of child abuse and domestic violence, will be available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, to monitor each chat room.

  • Enrollment of the governors of all 50 states in gathering the confiscated armaments of family violence used as evidence in our nation's courts.
  • Selection of an artist through a national competition, to reform these armaments into the AMERICA'S ANGEL sculpture, and unveiled on July 4th, 2006 at the base of the Congressional steps in Washington, DC.
  • The unveiling will be the culminating event of an unprecedented national effort, whose only purpose was to protect the innocents of a nation.



A Campaign of Fierce Compassion on Behalf of America's Children




[email protected]



AMERICA'S ANGEL, Inc. 501(c)(3) PMB R, 4460-16 Redwood Highway, San Rafael, CA 94903

AMERICA'S ANGEL and Angel logo are Registered Trademarks. All rights reserved.
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