Million Dollar Minute
    Financial costs to the American taxpayer by not ensuring the birthright of every child to be safe and nurtured in their own homes:

$ 94 billion Rescuing damaged children (Prevent Child Abuse, 2000)

$ 17 billion War on Drugs (National Department of Health and Human Services, 2000)

$ 250 billion Substance abuse treatment (National Institute on Drugs and Alcohol, 1998)

$ 32 billion Criminal Court System (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2000)

$ 147 billion Prison industry (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2000)

$ 540 BILLION tax dollars TOTAL

Annually: $540,000,000,000

Monthly: $ 44,383,563,650

Daily: $ 1,479,452,055

Hourly: $ 61,643,835

MINUTE: $ 1,027,397

It costs nothing to nurture our children.
It costs a MILLION dollars a MINUTE when we don’t.

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